
Ernest William Blake

(died 13 April 1932, aged 65)

Temple Lodge, No. 33, Malahat Lodge, No. 107

Here is a brief biographical sketch of Brother Ernest William Blake taken from local newspaper reports of his death and funeral:

“Blake – The many friends of Ernest William Blake will learn with regret of his sudden death at his home, Kelmeston, Hampshire, England. He passed away suddenly on April 13 while seated in his chair conversing with his wife, son and daughter-in-law. His age was 65.

Mr. Blake was closely identified with Shawnigan Lake and its progress. He settled at Mill Bay in the late eighties and later acquired much property at the lake, where he cleared land and erected a number of houses.

Pen-y-wern Lodge was built by him and he resided there for some years, disposing of it to the late Major Dundas. He was associated with the little group that conceived the idea of the S.L.A.A. hall and worked unceasingly for its erection. After completion he was secretary-treasurer for several years.

He was one of the first members of the Farmers’ Institute and was active in getting the Anglican Church built.  He was a member of Temple Lodge, No. 33, A.F. & A.M., Duncan and identified himself with Malahat Lodge.

He was a forceful character, carrying through every object by sheer perseverance. His friends were legion.

Mr. Blake left Shawnigan some years ago and bought a lovely estate in Hampshire. He is survived by his widow and one son, William, who married in England and has one son. A brother, Herbert, resides at Cobble Hill. There are other members of the family.

One more of the sturdy pioneers of Vancouver Island has gone to his rest, but he has left his mark. Shawnigan owes much to Ernest William Blake and his devoted wife.”

Source: Cowichan Leader, 19 May 1932

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